Monday, May 14, 2012


You know what? Fine, just ignore me! I'm not a real person, right? I don't have real fucking feelings, right? Just because the body I live in isn't my own does NOT mean I am not a real god damned person. You can't just throw me around like some rag doll. You can't just trash me when you're done.

I didn't know where you were for fucking months. You fucking told me you were going away and never told me you came back. But it's ok because i'm an Alter, right? Because i'm not 'real'? Well FUCK you!

I feel like a goddamned fool. I was so happy to see you. I was so goddamned happy. I forced my way out, getting me in trouble with Victoria, and for what? A hug and smile like you missed me, and then only to have you walk away? Now you're in a relationship. That's cool, except you're going to fuck her over JUST like you did the last few girls you were with, myself included.

I am just so god damned sorry that I couldn't go out with you and your drunk platoon that just got back from a year in Iraq with no women around. I am just so god damned sorry that Mihi's Sir is smart enough to know that sending his wife's body, no matter who occupies it, out with a bunch of drunk, horny soldiers, was not a good idea.

And I am just so GOD DAMNED SORRY that I ever fucking liked you! I am so fucking sorry that I ever decided to give a damn! That  I put myself fucking out there! FUCK YOU! Go fuck yourself, you slutty piece of shit. I really hope she knows that the FUCK she's getting into.

I don't care if I sound like a jealous bitch. Know why? I am! I cared enough about you to want to fucking be with you. I have NEVER taken on a partner, NEVER felt things for someone. Now I finally do and you fuck me over, not only as a friend, but as possibly something more? I'm not just jealous, i'm pissed. Not just at you, but at myself as well. I should have SEEN through your fucking facade. Fuck you, asshole. Fuck you.

See you in hell,


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