Tuesday, May 1, 2012

An Introduction

Alright, so this is my first post on this blog. I suppose that this is a good time for an introduction.

My name is Mihi. I'm 20, married to a Marine, and am currently living in the beautiful state of Hawaii on the island of Oahu (Also known as the tourist trap). A few months ago, after a year of craziness and confusion, I was diagnosed with General Anxiety Disorder. Yeah, I know. It doesn't sound like much of an issue, right? I get a lot of people saying "Well, why don't you just stop stressing?" That's like telling someone with diabetes to just stop letting their blood sugar fluctuate. It's not happening without help.

To put it into perspective, you know that stress you feel right before a big interview, a test, or a first date. Yeah, I feel that all the time, no matter what. It doesn't go away. Even though my lovely Zoloft has mostly stopped the attacks, the anxiety is still there and it always will be. Mostly, i'm learning how to live with it. I'm learning when I should and should not listen to the anxiety. It's a slow process, but a process nonetheless. I am now able to get out of the house sometimes without panicking, as well as be in crowded rooms for a small length of time before needing to step out. Sound restricting? You're damned right it does, but it's a lot more freedom than I had a few months ago.

I also have something called Dissociative Identity Disorder (AKA DID). This pretty much means my mind is split into several different people, all with their own name and personalities. Yes, yes. I know. "People with DID aren't supposed to know it!" "People with DID never tell people they do!"

Number one: Fuck off. Every single damned person I know, both self-diagnosed and Psychologist-diagnosed, with DID are aware of it. So bite my white Cuban ass. It's a damned stereotype. Sure, some people aren't aware of it, but that's in EXTREME cases. Not everyone with Bi-Polar is bat-shit fucking crazy all the time and not everyone with DID is completely unaware. If you still don't believe me, feel free to find another blog that fits your beliefs, because i'm not going to waste my effort in trying to convince you of something I know for a fact to be true.

Number two: I have heard this a few times and I call bullshit. Sure, it's pretty hard for me to confess to people in person, but that doesn't mean I don't tell anyone. Obviously, i'm a little more bold on the internet and don't have much of a problem with it. Also, I have run into several DID support groups. So nyeh.

As it is, I think i'll leave the descriptions of my Alters to themselves. I may post up the little IMVU icons I made of them, but that's still in debate.

If you read this far, thank you for your visitation and I hope you come back for more updates. I'm not promising my life is exciting, but I can definitely say it's not normal.


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